Hello! I have a client with an eye gaze device and unfortunately it’s not functioning properly. The parent says she hasn’t heard back from the company to get it repaired or replaced. What do you recommend I do? We’ve just been using physical prompts and sign language, but I want the client to be able to communicate more effectively.
Advocacy for eye gaze users
Free aac apps?
Hi all! I volunteer in the children's ministry at church and have some nonverbal kiddos who could really benefit from a device. What free AAC apps would you recommend? Thank you!
Teletherapy for a pediatric eye gaze device user
I just received my first ever student who uses an Eye Gaze device! If anyone has any strategies for this type of client please let me know!
Pls 5 + aac
What ways can the PLS 5 be modified for an AAC user? This student is a 5 year old and unfortunately we only have the PLS 5 and informal screeners.
Do you need specific certifications to become a...
Hello everyone! I like many of my peers are very interested in AAC. I was wondering if you had any advice on how to become an AAC "specialist." Are there certifications or credentials we need? I would love to share your suggestions and knowledge with my audience as well!
Thank you!