• April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    Are you familiar with the How We Feel app?!🤩

    The How We Feel Project is a scientific non-profit, created in 2020, that went on to develop the app that is now the Social Impact Finalist for the 2024 Apple Design Awards🏆.

    The How We Feel app is a FREE application that includes emotional tracking, emotional regulation strategies, daily check-ins, as well as friend sharing❣️💞

    Emotional intelligence starts with one’s ability to manage one’s own emotions. It is a skill we all need and do not discuss often enough. Having access to tools that support one’s better understanding of the internal reactions going on within the body enhances our skillsets as humans. Because, if we want to give better to the world, we must start with ourselves.💗

    Get to know yourself better by getting to know your moods.✨💫🌟


  • April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    An ACE score is a tally of different types of abuse, neglect, and other hallmarks of a rough childhood. According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, the rougher your childhood, the higher your score is likely to be and the higher your risk for later health problems. You can take the test below:

    Take the quiz for yourself and learn what is does and does not mean:

  • April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    We can better support children’s needs by adopting and actively practicing trauma informed care.

    Trauma-informed care recognizes and responds to the signs, symptoms, and risks of trauma to better support the health needs of patients who have experienced negative consequences from dangerous situations. It's a commitment to avoid repeating traumatic experiences and to help people regain a sense of safety, power, and self-worth despite the toxic stress they have been exposed to.

    Read more here:

  • April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    “Healthy development in the early years provides the building blocks for educational achievement, economic productivity, responsible citizenship, lifelong health, strong communities, and successful parenting of the next generation.”

    “This three-part video series from the Center and the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child depicts how advances in neuroscience, molecular biology, and genomics now give us a much better understanding of how early experiences are built into our bodies and brains” -Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

    Learn more here:

  • April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    Did you know that exposure to trauma can have lifelong lasting impacts and even result in increased physical health risks as well shortened lifespan?

    Former Surgeon General of California & Pediatrician, Nadine Burke Harris, expounds on the neurological impacts of trauma across the lifespan in the TEDTalk entitled “How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime” 💔📈📊🧠

    “High doses of adversity not only affect brain structure and function, they affect the developing immune system, developing hormonal systems, and even the way our DNA is read and transcribed.” -Nadine Burke Harris

    Watch TED Talk in full here:

  • April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    Did you know that childhood is a crucial period for not only speech language development but for building cognitive development?

    During times of today when screentime is at an all time high, social communication skills, motor planning, and attention difficulties are being experienced by children worldwide like never before.

    This summer, monitor your child’s overexposure to screen time and encourage your child’s participation in routine physical activities.

    Scientific studies show, children who are more physically active have increased chances of demonstrating improvement in the following areas:
    -focusing capabilities which include joint attention- coordinating one’s attention with others, attuning to stimuli and structured tasks presented for uninterrupted durations of time
    -memory recall- retrieving information and/or experiences from the past
    -emotional regulation- contributes to one’s ability to respond to the ongoing demands of experiences and process a variety of emotions; monitoring, evaluating, and modifying emotional reactions
    -executive functions- contributes to one’s ability to select and monitor behaviors that can facilitate the accomplishment of one’s goals
    -social communication skills- interacting with others whether it be verbal and/or nonverbal communication in addition to understanding why and how one communicates

    Improvements in all the aforementioned areas can yield to higher academic performance.

  • Politics and speech-language pathology




    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    I'm curious! What are your thoughts on politics and speech-language pathology? Should we include political discussions in our industry? Why?? What's your take?

  • Liri




    Advancing Speech Success: Our latest blog offers an in-depth guide on developing effective IEP goals for speech therapy. Find essential advice for parents and educators targeting meaningful advancements in communication skills. Click here for to real the blog:


  • Linkedin

    Mai Ling



    Speech Language Pathologist / Executive Business Consultant

    Doing research for an upcoming presentation, Ethical AI in Speech Therapy: Harnessing the Future with Responsibility, and came across this.

    "The $20 million, UB-led initiative — funded in January by the U.S. National Science Foundation and Institute of Education Sciences — will create artificial intelligence systems that ensure children with speech and language disorders receive timely, effective assistance."

    "Since then (April, 2023) researchers have begun lab researching and building prototypes of two AI systems: the AI Screener, which will identify potential speech and language impairments by listening to and observing children in classrooms; and the AI Orchestrator, which acts as a virtual teaching assistant to SLPs by providing students with ability-based interventions."

    AI is here and can be a positive or negative for speech therapy. What do you think of programs replacing speech-language pathologists?

    Read the entire story by Cory Nealon here:

  • Dream big: supporting the next generation of th...





    Nurturing the next wave of therapists via mentorship and placements is an investment in the future quality of care within skilled nursing facilities and life plan communities. Click the link to read the whole article:


    Dream big: Supporting the next generation of therapists
    Dream big: Supporting the next generation of therapists