• Anu

    School Admin


    Education Specialist

    Obtaining funds for ACC devices:

  • Anu

    School Admin


    Education Specialist

    AAC research:

    Purpose This systematic review aimed to determine the effects of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) intervention on speech production in children with autism or pervasive developmental disorder-not otherwise specified.


  • April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    Did you know that caregiver education is essential to a child’s carryover/generalization of skills within the home, school, and community?

    Creating understanding, responsive, respectful, and collaborative rapport with caregivers can yield to an environment where caregivers feel safe and encouraged to learn.

    Clink the link below to gain insights on how a speech-language pathologist can integrate such an approach when providing caregiver training for augmentative and alternative communication and/or multimodal communication use (which involves all forms of communication use). 💞🤩✨💖


  • April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    "AAC" (augmentative and alternative communication) and/or “SGD” (speech-generating devices) Recommendations and Justifying Medical Need for Speech Friends

    The routine practice of exposing speech friends you deem “total communicators” to the 4 different methods of communication would include the following:
    -verbal word production
    -American Sign Language (ASL) or Makaton
    -low tech core board
    -high-tech augmentative and alternative communication (high-tech AAC) also known as speech-generating device (SGD) for short

    For the sake of short-hand communication I refer to these as "The Big Four". As we fully embrace culturally competent approaches as a society, exposing speech friends to all 4 methods of communication provide communication experts with the evidence needed to prove, without a doubt, that AAC is truly a medical need for the beautiful friends we serve.

    Valuable Insights
    During the initial evaluations, I expose friends to The Big Four (always using simultaneous ASL with core words I verbally express. If the child does not respond/imitate my model of ASL/verbal utterance then I model with core board use then apply the same approach to SGD).

    You may say to yourself, "but my friends are already positively responding to SGD!" And I completely understand this perspective but, as scientific experts, we need to add evidence to SGD being the child’s preferred choice and their power/right to choose, not ours.

    This is why, when seeking to obtain SGD funding, ethical SGD/AAC funding support providers require SLPs to indicate if a child has been exposed to “The Big Four” as a means of determining true insurance coverage (if we haven't trialed all methods of communication then we technically have no subjective evidence to prove SGD is a medical need; no evidence = subjective or assumed need).

    We don't want to assume a child's preferred method of communication without first exposing them to “The Big Four”. This is the evidenced based reasoning behind commonly used "total communication" goals- when we model The Big Four (which includes acceptance of sounds and word approximations), it allows the child a safe/encouraging space to show us which one is his/her/their preferred means of communication through observed evidence.

    I realize some friends may not have "total communication" listed within their goals (at the time of assessment, maybe these friends appeared to prefer verbal communication) but, if your observed evidence is proving that a friend behaviorally and/or emotionally benefits from a total communication approach, careful consideration to update this accommodation to his/her/their treatment plan (so as to fully capture this technique as a documentable and evidenced reminder) is best professional practice.

    Expert Expressions that Improve Parent's Understanding of SGD:
    -Replace “tablet/iPad” with the specific use of “high-tech AAC” (augmentative and alternative communication), "AAC" for short, and/or “SGD” (speech-generating devices) for most precise naming
    -Remind parents that AAC can be low tech or high tech
    -Repeated use/exposure of these labels to help channel the message that it is actually the access to the words on the SGD/high-tech AAC device that supports the child’s ability to communicate not the tablet use alone.

    For a professional consults related to this topic please reach out to schedule a client consultation session with me on Liricare as I am happy to discuss more❣️

  • Raegan




    Amazing announcement, eye tracking can be huge for those with disabilities! For those with degenerative diseases who won't be able to access technology in the future eye teaching is a great option when purchasing a device! I was talking to a colleague last week about smart phones for communication and this latest development only furthers that functionality.

  • Advocacy for eye gaze users




    Hello! I have a client with an eye gaze device and unfortunately it’s not functioning properly. The parent says she hasn’t heard back from the company to get it repaired or replaced. What do you recommend I do? We’ve just been using physical prompts and sign language, but I want the client to be able to communicate more effectively.

  • Free aac apps?




    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    Hi all! I volunteer in the children's ministry at church and have some nonverbal kiddos who could really benefit from a device. What free AAC apps would you recommend? Thank you!

  • Mai Ling



    Speech Language Pathologist / Executive Business Consultant

    I am creating a course that will be available in March via SpeechTherapyPD, Ethical AI in Speech Therapy: Harnessing the Future with Responsibility, and am including an extensive handout of helpful resources. This includes ChatGPT prompts.

    Are you using ChatGPT to assist with lesson planning, report writing, goal creation, emails, etc? 

    Would you be willing to share a few favorite and most effective prompts and I will share them in the handout?  - with credit to you of course!

    I'm so curious to see how we are using this innovative and exciting platform!

    Share your info here: https://forms.gle/qZQe69aVUwR1D8xA6

  • Liri




    Have you heard? Our latest video debunks some myths about AAC and early intervention, and the truth is more inspiring than we imagined. It's not just about assisting communication; it's about opening up a whole new world of possibilities for kids. Check out our latest video!
    Source: https://journals.lww.com/iycjournal/fulltext/2005/07000/augmentative_communication_and_early_intervention_.2.aspx

  • Emerging research trends in speech-language pat...





    The human voice, a soft whisper filled with words, echoes untold stories and connects undiscovered paths. In the world of speech-language pathology, new discoveries offer transformative possibilities for those facing voice, language, and swallowing challenges. Get ready, SLP explorers, as this blog guides you through exciting new research! Check out our latest blog for the latest emerging trends in the field


    Emerging research trends in speech-language pathology