Hi all. Could you share some strategies or practices you've found effective in maintaining a healthy work life balance? Personal experiences, resources, or tools that have been beneficial would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
Practices to maintain a healthy work life balance?
For those preparing for the SLP Praxis® Exam, here's a Statistics Refresher from ASHA that can help you study Research: https://www.asha.org/research/ebp/statistics-refresher/
📢The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued its 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule proposed rule, which includes a 2.8% cut to Medicare Part B payments. On top of that, Medicare providers face other cuts that could result in a total payment cut of nearly 9% in 2025 if Congress does not act.
Congress can intervene and stop the cuts, but they need to hear from us, their constituents, about how these cuts impact service providers and those we serve!🔊
Your input is needed to urge Congress to fully address the multiple sources of payment cuts, including passing H.R. 2474, the Strengthening Medicare for Patients and Providers Act. This bipartisan bill would help to provide budget stability and improve the quality of care Medicare patients receive.
Take action and click below to urge your members of Congress to cosponsor H.R. 2474.
Politics and Speech-Language Pathology
I'm curious! What are your thoughts on politics and speech-language pathology? Should we include political discussions in our industry? Why?? What's your take?
I just read a bilinguistics article indicating "burnout rates are as high as 50 percent for physicians" (Bilinguistics, 2021). (You can view the full article HERE: https://bilinguistics.com/slp-burnout/).
My theory is if more SLPs learned about how to live their life purpose and practice SLP authentically, we would reduce burnout and increase SLP retention.
As a certified hypnosis practitioner, I've helped aspiring SLPs pass the SLP Praxis® exam using visualization strategies. Research hypnosis helps test takers reduce their test and general anxieties (Pachaiappan, et al., 2023).
Still skeptical? See the full article here: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/23311908.2023.2281745
Best Ways to Commemorate Stuttering Awareness W...
How are you all highlighting and uplifting your patients who stutter during BSHM? I'd love to borrow some ideas!
I'm Loving this New Availability Feature
Thank you, Liricare for this new availability feature! Scheduling is easy for my clients.
I feel that this is the best kept secret in our field. Did you know there is a phonemic inventory list that helps us learn the dialectal differences in several different cultures??? You can view them HERE: https://www.asha.org/practice/multicultural/phono/
Excited to share our latest episode of "Regulation, Mindset & Launching Your Own Business: An SLP's Guide" featuring the amazing Emma Provenzano! 🚀
Join us as we delve into Emma's inspiring journey from being an interpreter in special education to becoming a successful speech-language pathologist. Emma offers invaluable insights for parents, speech therapists, and anyone seeking to enrich their lives.