How would you all recommend a school-based SLP could also gain experience with dysphagia patience? Thank you!
How a school-based slp should become more exper...
How to be successful in your dysphagia course
Hello everyone! I am asking questions on behalf of my audience which consists of a lot of graduate school students. A lot of them are preparing to take their dysphagia courses and are nervous about it. I want to know how you all were successful in your courses. I hope with your advice, they can feel reassured and confident that they can do well in their classes.
What advice or resources would you give these SLP2Bes to set them up for success?
Dysphagia pronounciation
My graduate program tells me I will get answers wrong if I "mispronounce" the word, "Dysphagia." I've been pronouncing the word as "dis-fah-juh." But I've heard people pronounce as "dis-fay-juh."
I'd like to know your thoughts on this? And why my graduate program would make such a big deal out of this