• Melanie



    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    Happy Aphasia Awareness Month!

    Have you heard about the amazing program at San Francisco State University?

    Their Gray Matter Lab is doing incredible work to support Black communities with aphasia!

    Here's the deal: Black folks are more likely to experience aphasia (language difficulties after a stroke) but often feel isolated in traditional support groups.

    The Gray Matter Lab stepped up! They created a virtual conversation group specifically for Black adults with aphasia, led by Black student clinicians. This culturally-sensitive space is a game-changer!

    Why it matters: Participants finally have a safe space to share experiences, ask for advice, and connect with others who understand. This is HUGE for their well-being and recovery! ️

    The challenge? We need more programs like this! There's a big need to address racial disparities in speech therapy. Let's talk about how to create a more inclusive healthcare system for everyone.

    Read more on the ASHA Leader: https://leader.pubs.asha.org/do/10.1044/2022-0614-black-aphasia-group/full/

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