

    Speech language and swallow therapist


    I am sure many of us have at least once encountered certain individuals who, neither are RCI certified SLPs nor have any legit knowledge on communication disorders, claim to have solutions that supposedly enable them to "cure" Autism, ADHD, and other communication disorders in children. These claims often promise remedy, taking advantage of the limited knowledge and vulnerability of parents seeking help for their children.
    This issue is deeply concerning as it highlights the significant lack in our society's awareness on speech-language problems.
    It's disheartening to see how far we still have to go to educate people and develop effective, evidence-based policies and guidelines to address these challenges.
    It is important that we work to raise awareness about the significance of proper diagnosis and intervention.
    We must work together to ensure that parents and caregivers are well informed about the same. Understanding these conditions is crucial in bringing awareness, acceptance and support for those diagnosed.

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