• Ibrahim



    Speech therapist

    Engage Your Child In Play With O.W.L Strategy
    O – Observe (your child’s interest)
    W – Wait (for his/her response)
    L – Listen (for his/her communication)

    Here are some practical examples on using the O.W.L strategy with your children:

    Example 1: Puzzle Play

    – Child fixes alphabet puzzles in order
    – When he/she is done, he/she pours out the letters and starts fixing it again

    Wait: (for child’s response)
    – As child fixes the letter “a”, you hold out letter “b” for him/her
    – He/she looks at you then takes the letter
    – Continue the interaction with other letters
    – As the interaction gets more consistent, only present the letter after he/she looks at you

    Listen: (to verbal and non-verbal communication)
    – He/she communicates interest by accepting the letters from you
    – Follow his/her lead to stop when he/she starts keeping the puzzle or runs off to another toy.

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