• Ary’l




    Hey future SLPs! If you are in your first semester of grad school, here are 5 tips to keep in mind:

    1. Get a journal/planner: Organization and time management are crucial for your first semester because you’ll probably be LOADED with classes and possibly, clinical placements. This is especially important if you are working while going to grad school.

    2. Review! Take time after your classes to look over your notes/lectures and rewrite them in a way that you understand. If you’re not a writing/reading learner, adjust or add to your notes to fit your needs. (E.g. recordings, YouTube videos, better diagrams, 3D models, etc.)

    3. Ask questions: Don’t avoid asking for clarification during your lectures or clinical placements and think “I’ll figure it out later.” While you may figure it out, you are paying to learn so it’s better to ask your professors and supervisors what they are teaching.

    4. Sign up for your school's NSSHLA chapter! There are so many events with speakers with different speech and language specialities sharing insights for networking opportunities, clinical placement ideas, and becoming a successful SLP.

    5. Be kind to yourself! Grad school can be overwhelming, but remember you’re there to learn and grow as a (future) SLP.

  • Bilingual fluency therapy materials




    Hi! Where can I find bilingual fluency therapy materials?

  • Melanie



    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    "Praxis® mistake #3: Engaging in Negative Self-Talk! Often times when we’re pressured or stressed, It’s easy to lose sight of how AMAZING you are. Take hold of self-sabotaging thoughts and remind yourself you are right where you’re meant to be.

    Be sure to tell your favorite Praxis® prepper!"

  • Melanie



    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    Praxis® mistake #2: You’re “Winging It”! We’ve ALL been guilty of this. In fact, it’s even natural for us to “wing it” with our session activities! However, “winging it” is not recommended for your professional certification exam.

    Be sure to tell your favorite Praxis® prepper!

  • Melanie



    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    Praxis® mistake #1: You don’t have a set study plan! Having a study plan will keep you on the right track toward your goals! Although it might seem tedious, establish and following a study plan will keep you accountable and ease uncertainty.

    Be sure to tell your favorite Praxis® prepper!

  • Melanie



    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    Hi everyone! In addition to my work as a cultural competency consultant and show host, I help coach aspiring SLPs and clinical fellows for the Praxis exam! Here are some Praxis® mistakes I notice that I'll cover over the next few days:
    * Not having a study plan
    * Winging it
    * Engaging in negative self-talk
    * Avoiding taking practice quizzes
    * Having TOO many study materials

  • Melanie



    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    Remember: Trauma is not about the event itself but how someone reacts to the event.

  • Melanie



    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    An example of a trauma-informed mindset: If a child is having a temper tantrum after not getting his way, think, "how can I help this child self-regulate?" rather than, "what is wrong with this child? (in a judgement tone)" Reframing our mindsets go a long way! I'll be putting out more information on the Pediatric Speech Sister Show! You can check out the latest episodes in the meantime here: tinyurl.com/pssmedia

  • Melanie



    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    Another way we can cultivate a trauma-informed mindset when working with diverse populations is to recognize that trauma looks different for different people. For example, what's traumatic for a child may be different than what's traumatic for an adult. Regardless, we should approach this child with care and take their traumatic reactions seriously and valid.

  • Where do you like to go to learn more about tra...




    Bilingual Speech Pathologist