• Praxis Prep Question! Stuttering Types




    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

    Hi yall! I'll be popping into Q&A groups to help Praxis Preppers get to their passing score! This is also good for practicing SLPs who need a little brush up on their skills ;)

    Here's today's question:
    Explain the difference between developmental stuttering and acquired stuttering.

    a) Developmental stuttering is sudden onset, while acquired stuttering is gradual.
    b) Developmental stuttering is often seen in adults, while acquired stuttering is common in children.
    c) Developmental stuttering typically starts in childhood, while acquired stuttering can result from a head injury.
    d) Developmental stuttering results from trauma, while acquired stuttering is genetic.

    Profile Picture of Sophie-Anais

    Sophie-Anais Renois over 1 year

    Speech-language pathologist

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    Profile Picture of Melanie

    Melanie Evans over 1 year

    Bilingual Speech Pathologist

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