• April



    Master of Science, CCC - Speech-Language Pathologist

    Check out expert insights/tips on early feeding development❣️🤩🤓

    “I share that the primary issue arises when children become solely dependent on pouches for nutrition, missing out on essential chewing experiences needed to further oral motor development and exposing them to a limited range of tastes and textures.”

    “In many cases of selective eaters, I find that educating caregivers about toddlers and their relationship with food, and coaching them on fun food activities, relieves stress for both caregiver and child.” -Stefanie LaManna, Speech-Language Pathologist

    Stefanie goes on to share ways SLPs can support caregivers:
    💖Educate them of developmental expectations/indicators of pediatric feeding disorders that expand past picky eating
    💖Refer them to a dietitian for specific and individualized expectations regarding growth and weight gain
    💖Encourage engagement with their child in less stressful food-related activities that incorporate learning absent of demands to actually eat
    💖Suggest ways to make food fun so their child can explore foods without feeling pressured or overwhelmed

    Read full article in detail here: https://leader.pubs.asha.org/do/10.1044/2024-0501-picky-eaters-feeding-pouches-slp/full/

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